待ち時間一切ナシのガチャガチャし放題!! 妄想生物ガチャ

by kotehina



Aim for complete!nKeep spinning the gacha until you get all the items! !!

目指せコンプリート!すべてのアイテムを手に入れるまでガチャガチャを回し続けよう!!カプセルの中には子供の頃、ノートに描いた落書きのような不思議な生物が入ってるよ♪その数なんと100匹以上!!妄想生物ガチャは小さなお友達から大きなお友達まで誰でも遊べるアプリです。ゲットした妄想生物はコレクションルームで確認できます。何度見ても理解できないような変な生き物がたくさんあります。かっこいい恐竜や奇妙な生き物、変なおじさんや可愛いおじさん。なにがでるかは運次第。是非ガチャガチャしまくってください!!ゴールデンウェークは旅行に行きますか?もし渋滞に巻き込まれたら暇つぶしに是非遊んでみてください。子供がグズッた時にも役にたつかもしれません!Aim for complete!Keep spinning the gacha until you get all the items! !!Inside the capsule is a mysterious creature like the graffiti I drew on my notebook when I was a kid.That number is over 100! !!Delusion Creature Gacha is an app that anyone from small friends to big friends can play.You can check the delusional creatures you got in the collection room.There are many strange creatures that you cant understand no matter how many times you look at them.Cool dinosaurs, strange creatures, weird uncles and cute uncles.What comes out depends on your luck.Please come and go! !!Does Golden Wake go on a trip?If you get caught in a traffic jam, please try playing to kill time.It may also be useful when your child is sick!軽微な不具合を修正しました。

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It's everything is want for a game thank you xxx


There isn't too much objective to the game. As I started playing it I thought "oh great what a waste of time" but I then found myself playing for roughly 20 minutes straight. Awesome!

Jason Lozano